Who Am I?

I’m a poker player with a camera. But I also have a keyboard. And you know what? Sometimes the camera is a lot to deal with. And the keyboard is a lot less so.

I’m actually pretty introverted. I think. My wife Busi doesn’t think so. She says that I like to—no, that I NEED to go out into the world every so often, and if I don’t, then I get all antsy and shit. And she’s definitely right about that. So I don’t know. But here are two things that I do know:

  1. I definitely have social anxiety. A lot of times when I’m talking mid conversation, I’ll be thinking more about what I sound like rather than the point I’m trying to make.

  2. Public speaking is my biggest fear.

Vlogging is different from both of the above situations. A camera is not a person. (Did you know that?) When I’m recording video, I still get caught up in what I sound like and have to do a bunch of retakes sometimes (a lot of times). But being able to do retakes makes a huge difference. Man, imagine if you were on stage and you could stop, delete the last sentence you just stumbled over, and redo it. Nobody would have a fear of public speaking anymore. No more “just imagine everyone in the audience is naked” nonsense. Which I don’t really get. I mean, am I clothed in this scenario? Am I then the only clothed weirdo at the naked party??

Blogging was my first true content creation. I briefly wrote (for free!) for a pseudo journalistic site called Pokerati. Click that and you’ll find the origins of Andrew in poker content form. Several stepping stones and 230+ videos later, it all morphed into a YouTube channel that I could never have imagined way back when.

All this is to say that I love writing. I find a lot of the time, when I struggle to at other times, I can really be me when putting pen to paper.

Vlogging is awesome when I want to find a dope music track to add to a cinematic drone sequence. And maybe I can even do that within these pages. But for the many times when I just want to hang out with you, dear reader or readette, and get a lot of words out of my head, this will be the spot where they’ll land.

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Sometimes a keyboard feels better than a camera.
